SAE Institute

SAE Institute

With a 40-year history in creative media education and a global footprint across 20 countries, SAE Institute’s courses are constantly evolving to meet the needs of industry and who better to inform this direction than industry itself.

SAE offers a range of VET courses as well as bachelor degree and postgraduate in areas of animation, audio, creative industry, design, film, games and music. The university has facilities with high technology in place and experts with years of experience.


Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Byron Bay

SAE Institute provides specialist vocational and higher education courses worldwide to inspire and develop its graduates.

  • The courses emphasise practical experience, the needs of students and industry credibility;
  • The students access the latest knowledge and outstanding facilities to enhance their skills;
  • They are globally networked as a professional community in creative media;
  • Excellence in academic and student services.

SAE regularly engages with the Industry Advisory Panel which helps shape course content and assessments, defines graduate attributes, and consults on the technology required. SAE Institute is authorised to self-accredit its own programs in Creative Arts and Computer Science at levels 5, 6 and 7 of the Australian Qualifications Framework by the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Quality & Standards Agency (TEQSA).

Why SAE Institute?

  1. 40 years in the industry
  2. Facilities with high technology to offer the best learning experinece to the students
  3. Strong industry connections that offers the students the one of kind placement opportunities
  4. SAE Institute has campuses on the main cities in Australia offering from VET courses to Masters degrees.
Scholarship at SAE Institute

SAE Institute offers scholarship to assist international students. Applicants are considered for their creative skill, academic excellence, and leadership.

Studying at SAE is probably the best thing I’ve ever done. I’ve met so many talented people, and it’s awesome to share ideas and collaborate on projects with them.

Charles Inopiquez – SAE student and signed music producer

The real-world experience that SAE gives is such a unique part of the program. It gave me the skills to not just design something to fulfill a brief but to design something to fulfill someone’s imagination.

Evie Slattery – Graphic designer