JACOPO – Managing Director

I got to know Australia at the age of 24! It was a dream come true…

I started my adventure in Sydney with a backpack on my shoulders.

I came to Australia with a Working Holiday Visa, willing to improve my English, travelling and achieve a life dream! I travelled across Australia for almost 6 months/21,000 Kms; I met fantastic friends and worked in lots of different places.

I started working in Go Study in March 2011 as the Director of our Italian branch.
After working for over 8 years as the head of Go Study Australia – Italy, I finally moved to Australia in Dec 2018. I have been working as the Managing Director of Go Study Australia for over 3 years, from our head office in Sydney.

I love my job, I love our international team, and I feel inspired by our mission: to help international students and travellers realise their dream!

JACOPO – Managing Director

Super Power: Make people feel welcomed and listened to

About Jacopo



In Go Study Since




Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain


We are here to make them come true

Why would you recommend travelling to Australia?

Travelling is a fantastic way to get to know who you are and how you want to live your life. Australia is the perfect place to inspire you during this journey! It is such a welcoming country: it  offers excellent opportunities, an amazing lifestyle, stunning landscapes, endless natural beauty and friendly and laid back culture.

Why did you choose Sydney?

Sydney offers everything I could expect from a city.

I live 3 minutes from the beach; I can surf in the morning yet be in the CBD for a business meeting in less than 20 minutes.

Do you have any tips for future travellers?

Be brave. Believe in yourself! 

Give you a chance to feel how rewarding life can be when you let your “comfort zone” and explore the “unknown”. Let your life flow as you flow with life!