Working in Australia

Find out which jobs are in the highest demand in Australia!

Working in Australia is a real and fruitful opportunity, but you need to be well-informed in order to embark on this experience in the best way possible.

Working in Australia

Australia’s labour market is thriving and growing – Australia is the only country that has never entered an economic recession in the last 26 years! Its unemployment rate is among the lowest in the world – only 5.7% (compared to 11% in Italy). Salaries are high and there are job offers in every professional field.

However, your chances of working in the Australian market depend on several factors such as your English level, the visa you choose, your previous professional experience and your studies.


Salaries are significantly higher than in Europe and Latin America, and unemployment is among the lowest in the world. This does not mean that finding a job in Australia is easy, especially if your level of English is on the basic side.

We are always at your side to help you through this new and exciting journey. We are a real international supportive community that will make you feel at home, helping you to choose a visa and the best courses to improve your English. Tell us about your projects! We are here to help!

How to look for (and find) a job in Australia

Before you start looking for a job, you will need to prepare a CV for Australia by adapting the European CV format to what is commonly used down under. It will also be good to write a cover letter, which is a presentation letter in which to display your most significant experiences, your education and the skills you have acquired so far.

Once your CV is ready, you can throw yourself headlong into the job search! If you have a professional profile, you can start using LinkedIn, or start from the most popular online portals to get an idea of the most wanted positions, the most popular skills and average wages.

However, the best way to make yourself known in Australia is by handing out your CV. So, make some prints, go out with your best smile and deliver your resume by going directly to the shops and/or offices that interest you. You’ll see that direct contact always pays off in Australia!

the ultimate guide to getting a job in australia


The Ultimate Guide to
Getting a Job in Australia

Working in Australia: other things to know

Australia is a country that attracts workers from around the world for the opportunities it offers. That is why around 180,000 internationals decide to leave for the land of kangaroos every year.

What are the most popular professions in Australia? According to Australian immigration department statistics, the most requested jobs are those related to the hospitality sector: chefs, bartenders, waiters, restaurant managers, etc. Highly sought-after are also IT professionals, such as computer programmers, developers and professionals from the construction world.

However, to get a better idea of the most wanted occupations in Australia, it is useful to consult the Skilled Occupation Lists, which are updated every six months or so to reflect the real needs of the labour market. The states that offer the most job opportunities are New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.

To find out where you could be working in Australia, see the annual report of the Ministry of Labour: the Australian Jobs Report.


migrate to Western Australia

A suitable visa is required to work in Australia. The law prohibits working with a tourist visa.

Even if you find someone willing to pay you illegally, you may be deported from the country and may not be able to return to Australia.

There are other visas that allow you to work regularly in Australia, even for a limited period.

Find out about the main types of Australian visas and which ones allow you to work in Australia!


As soon as you arrive at your destination, it is essential to request a Tax File Number, a sort of Australian tax code that is indispensable for you to be able to work legally in Australia. You can request it online, and your GO STUDY advisor will do it for you for free in Australia.


Australia, as you know, is an expensive country. However, while it is true that the cost of living here is much higher than in Europe and Latin America, salaries are also higher. Just think, Australia is one of the highest-paid countries in the world! For example, an employee earns an average of €3,000 per month (about $4,400 AUD), so you can live comfortably without giving up anything.

If you want to get an idea of your minimum wage, you can use the National Salary Calculator, which will give your hourly pay for some main professions.