Media Consent Policy

As a student of GO STUDY Australia, it’s important that you understand the scope of our work and what we do for you.

Please read this agreement carefully before signing and dating to confirm your acceptance and understanding.

Media Consent Policy

This consent form applies to all students, their partners or family members attending events, and staff and industry partners of the NextEd Group Ltd.

The Privacy Amendment Act 2001 imposes obligations upon organisations collecting personal information to protect that information.

The NextEd Group carries out marketing and communication activities to maintain a positive profile. Images of individuals in photographs or film are treated as personal information under the Privacy Act where the person’s identity is clear or can reasonably be worked out from that image.

Photos, video footage and work samples of students are used regularly by members of the NextEd Group for a number of purposes and under current legislation this practice can continue. These situations are generally for the purpose of acknowledging the efforts of the student or for the promotion of the member companies and brands.


Written consent will be sought from the person(s) to identify them (by image or name) for marketing and/or promotional purposes. The person(s) will be required to complete and sign this Media Consent Form.

This consent, once given, will be amended or revoked only upon receipt of written notification from the consent provider. The person(s) should notify the relevant Next entity immediately if any circumstance arises that would prevent NextEd using their photo, video images or work samples.


No remuneration is offered to the person(s) for whom consent is given to take part in marketing or promotional activities whether at the education provider or office level.


At all times, ownership of any material obtained from the above activities will vest with NextEd Group.


This consent applies to any use, recording or disclosure of the individual’s name, recording or image, individual work and personal information, including but not limited to:

  • Any activities engaged in during the ordinary course of the provision of education and training including graduation ceremonies and workshops,
  • Assessment of students and other purposes associated with the provision of education,
  • Public relations, promotion, advertising, media, and commercial activities,
  • Use by the media in relation to activities that show the Individual in a positive light, e.g. scholarships,
  • Any other activities as sanctioned by the NextEd Group.

Any personal information will be stored, used and disclosed in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Amendment Act. 2001 (Cth).


The material may continue to be used for a number of years, even once the person(s) enrolment has ceased and that some of the products in which the material is used may have extended longevity.


‘Use’ includes: – to create, make copies of or reproduce or retain in any form, including by camera, video, webcam, closed circuit television, mobile phone or any other form of digital recorder or device, including still or motion.
– alter captured images (Eg create avatars or use treatments to change the form of the image)
– to distribute, publish or communicate in any form, including in newsletters and other print media, broadcast media, and the Internet, in whole or in part, and to permit other persons to do so.

I give permission for photos, video/audio and samples of work created or contributed to by the person below to be used without remuneration or compensation in publications (print, websites, social media) and/or presentations sanctioned by NextEd Group and its companies and brands.

It is a requirement for students aged U18 years at time of enrollment, that a parent or legal guardian accepts this Media Consent Policy on behalf of the student/family member.